Monday, December 15, 2008

Brainstorming Session.

For our NAGAAA presentation we are planning on having a home-made Hee Haw Presentation. We are going to have a ball preparing this; however, this is going to be a challenge here at Christmas and new years to get it filmed and put together. We want to present the finished product at our second Sunday Softball Social on January 13th at TRIBE. This blog is being created to share ideas so that we can have a central place to log our ideas about this production.

Our plans are around a 10 minute Hee haw production…with some canned music and some live production. We plan on using Guitars, banjos, Drummer, keyboards, etc. post your ideas here. If you want to be a part of the production shoot us an email at

There will be props needed for the production if you have anything that could e of help please let us know. Gallon Jugs like moonshine was put in. Bib overalls, hay, straw hats etc. Be thinking about where we can find any of this stuff. Also if you know of where there is a cornfield that was not cut down we are going to need a cornfield for the salutes!

Song Idea #1: Can't you just hear a song to the tune of Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me...

Winter weather agonizes me. Deep, dark depression, excessive misery. If it weren't for softball I'd have no friends at all, oh winter weather agonizes me.

Now that we are started with this blog please give us some ideas!